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Our Story

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2009 - Our first year in business

We (Jordan & Laura Green, the "J" and the "L" behind J&L Green Farm:)) met in 2003 and married in 2005.

5 weeks after our wedding, we said goodbye as Jordan left for a 7-month deployment with the U.S. Marine Corps.

One of our dreams - after the military - was always to start a farm.

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The first 5 years of military life came with many times of long-distance relationship. There were several 6-month deployments and other 1- or 2-month stints apart from each other during that time.

But for some reason, we just love testing things! So as soon as Jordan completed his 5-year tour of duty in 2009, we went into full-time business together—working side-by-side every day as we started our farm.

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Since that time, we've developed a variety of farm enterprises centered around the 500 acres of Shenandoah Valley farmland where we raise pasture-based pork and poultry and 100% grass-fed and grass-finished beef which we market directly to consumers. 

Farming is many things - a lot of hard work, ups, downs, hardship, victories, success, pain, and joy!  It's all in there, yet we are stronger because of it and we wouldn't have it any other way.

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