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Holiday Middleburg Drop Site

22022 Sam Fred Rd, Middleburg, VA 20117 (Get directions)
  • Pickup Time

    3 p.m. exact (or request late pick-up through 6pm)

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Holiday Middleburg Drop Site

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This location is being offered as a one time drop site for anyone that would like to pick-up in Middleburg.  Grab your Thanksgiving Turkeys and all the extra farm proteins directly from J&L Green Farm (being hosted by Pam Jones - Gathering Springs Farm).  The drop site meets at exactly 3pm and you will want to arrive a little early to be sure to grab your order on time.

Can't make it by 3p.m.?
PLEASE be sure to put this in your order notes during checkout and let us know a time between 3:15-6p.m. that you will pick-up your order so that the host can facilitate this pick-up when you arrive. Thank you!