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"More Biodiversity than the Rainforest" — A December Holiday You may have Missed

written by

Meg Peery

posted on

December 10, 2023


Heads up, friends: Somewhere between carving your pasture-raised Thanksgiving turkey and ordering your forested Christmas ham, you might have missed an important December holiday.

Funny enough, if you bought your holiday meats from our farm, you celebrated without even knowing it.

And if you buy from us year-round? You likely celebrate it several times a week, if not every day.

What's this holiday for?

Here are a few clues:

🌱 A handful of it, when healthy, contains more biodiversity than rainforests or coral reefs - up to 10 billion individual living things representing up to 5,000 (or possibly even more) species. [1]

🌱 95% of the world's food comes from this fundamental resource. [2]

🌱 Sustainable farming practices like the ones we use on our farm protect and restore this essential resource, leaving it healthier, more fertile, and more abundant with each passing year. [3]

World Soil Day

For these and many other reasons, the United Nations in 2013 designated December 5th World Soil Day. This annual observance focuses attention on the importance of healthy soil and advocates for the sustainable management of soil resources around the world.

For World Soil Day 2023, thousands of events were held worldwide.

Click Map to Enlarge & Explore Events

Us & You

We are proud to be one of many farms across the globe who use sustainable practices that regenerate and protect healthy soil.

And we always want you, our Farm Friends, to know that your choice to vote with your dollars and feed your families the food we produce is what makes it possible for us to do this important work.

THANK YOU, and Happy World Soil Day!

Learn more:


[1] This World Soil Day, take a look at the surprising science of soil
[2] World Soil Day | United Nations
[3] World Soil Day | United Nations

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