Subscribe & Save: You Ask, We Answer!
posted on
February 12, 2024

We've loved fielding questions about our new Subscribe & Save program over the past few months! So far it's been a great program for our Farm Friends, offering no-hassle savings and unmatched convenience.
It's also a great program for us, helping us to streamline store operations and put even more clean, wholesome meat on families' tables.
Here are some of the questions you've asked about our Subscribe & Save program, plus a few reasons to consider joining if you haven't yet!
Q."When I sign up for Subscribe & Save, do I have to get the same items in my subscription box every month?"
A. Our Subscribe & Save program is unique in that you are not required to get the same items on repeat every month. You will receive a notification when your subscription order processes for the month, and you have ample time (about 10 days) to add or delete items, change quantities, create a brand new order from scratch, or anything else you wish to do to curate the perfect box for your family's changing needs.
Of course, if you do want the same items delivered every month, just sit back and relax! With zero effort, you'll receive your favorite order every 4 weeks to ensure that your freezer stays stocked with all of the pastured meats and farm products you love having on hand.
Subscribe & Save is designed to serve you, whether you need it to be flexible and customizable, or "set it and forget it."
Q. "When I sign up for Subscribe & Save, am I required to get a subscription box every month?"
A. Another convenient feature of our program is that you only get an order when you want one - you can skip or reschedule any scheduled order anytime before the order deadline.
Q. "If I sign up, is there a long-term commitment?"
A. Our Subscribe & Save program does not require any contracts or long-term commitments. You are in control; cancel anytime.
Q. "Does it cost anything to join the program?"
A. Our Subscribe & Save program is completely free; there are no fees associated with joining, participating, or canceling.
Q. "What are the benefits of signing up?"
A. Subscribe & Save members...
✅ Save 5% with every order on 100+ items in our online store
✅ Save time ordering - no need to add items from scratch every time you place an order
✅ Sit back and relax - your orders are placed automatically with plenty of time to edit before the order deadline
✅ Rest easy - Some months are just super busy! Rest easy knowing your order will be submitted even if you forget.
✅ Increase support for ethical farming - Your subscription helps us streamline our store operations and put even more clean, wholesome meat on families' tables. (Thank you!)
Q. "How do I join and start saving?"
A. Sign up at checkout by selecting the checkbox next to "Subscribe & Save," then follow the prompts as directed as you complete the checkout process.
Q. "How do I skip a Subscribe & Save order?"
A. To skip an order, go to “Account” in the top menu bar of our home page, select the “Subscribe & Save” dropdown and hit the "Skip" button. Skipping will cancel your current order and bump your subscription order to the next order date.
Q. "How do I cancel my subscription?"
A. To cancel your subscription, go to “Account” in the top menu bar of our home page and select the “Subscribe & Save" dropdown. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Cancel Subscription."
Q. "How do I change my delivery method with a subscription? It's not working the way it usually does!"
A. To change your delivery method as a subscriber, the switch needs to be made by an admin on the back end. Send us an email and we'll be glad to get it done for you!
Other questions?
Contact us anytime!