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What's A Farm Tour Like?

written by

Meg Peery

posted on

May 23, 2023


Have you ever walked the land where your food is raised? 

Most people haven’t—allowing a lot of people to come onto your farm isn't something that's very typical in America now.

"Most farms won't allow the public to have access, or they might even have signs out front saying ‘No Trespassing,’ ‘Biohazard,’ ‘Biosecure Area,’ and so on,” Jordan shares in Episode 4 of the Green Farm Life Show.

"But," he continues, “We're a little bit different.”

Watch Episode 4: Farm Tour

Jordan says, “We want anyone who supports our farm, who buys from us, to be able to come here and see how we're raising the animals, see how we're taking care of them, and see how we're taking care of the land."

"Because that's why you support us," he explains. "For that extra layer of trust and accountability and first-hand knowledge that these animals are being raised humanely, that it's a high-quality product you're getting, instead of just flying blind at the supermarket.”

Want to see the video? 

Click below to view — and after you watch, be sure to check out our upcoming farm events!

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